Counter strike source wc3
Counter strike source wc3

counter strike source wc3

Every time the player gains a level a menu will display on their screen. As a player levels their skills they gain the use of them in battle. Skills range from passives bonuses to things that have to be activated manually. Experience is granted on kills, assists, bomb planting and defusing the bomb.Įvery race has a unique set of few skills (also referred to as talents). In a WCS server as a player plays, they gain experience. the basic idea is to pick a race and then start leveling up their skills by gaining Experience. The main focus of WCS is the race system also referred to as classes. Discover a WC3-alike first-person shooter gaming experience now. A wide range of unique servers is set up with WCS so you can always enjoy amazing Races, Shop Items, and Features. WCS boosts the normal Counter-Strike: Source gameplay with features such as enhanced speed, health, etc. WCS - Warcraft:Source is a modification for Counter-Strike: Source "But we have taken it a step further and made it possible in cs:go" which offers extensive gameplay as you have never seen before.

  • And people from the Netherlands are also welcome ) "Other countries are welcome as well!".
  • counter strike source wc3

  • The segment is north (Germany, Denmark, England, Finnish, Sweden, and Norway.
  • Our server is opening Friday 24th May 2019.
  • We came from CSS and made our project possible in CS:GO! For people who are not familiar with WCS, I will explain a little bit more about this whole thing further on in this post. It will be a WCS "Warcraft Source" server. We have worked hard and done our best the past few days/week to get this project up and running. We would like to know if anyone has an interest in trying out our project. Hello everyone! We are an upcoming community "We aren't new, we have been doing this in the past" and we are trying to get our name to be known in the CS:GO community.
  • Our server supports variety of things! Things you probably haven't even seen before in the WCS concept! I dare you to have a look ).
  • Our server was first build-ed in CSS and we then moved over to Remaking the concept in "CS:GO"" This server is currently being made in CS:GO so for the matter of fact you can join it through the CS:GO community server list! This server is not related to the "CSS" community.
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    Counter strike source wc3